Meredith's Blog

Just another Edublogs site

Student Blogging Challenge Week 9

on April 30, 2019

There are many things that people already know about me, but what about the things that they don’t know? There are several things that I do or like that people don’t know about me. Here are some of those things

  1. When my hands are full of things, I tend to use my feet. When I have a laundry basket in my hands and my door is closed, I turn the door knob with my foot and push it open.
  2. I eat Pop Tarts every day of the week. I love them so much, and I eat all of the different kinds.
  3. I collected all 50 state quarters, and I keep them in book. I even collected the territories such as Guam and Puerto Rico.
  4. I have so many books that I have no where to keep them. I have 2 storage bins of them in my room, and I have some of my other books in my siblings’ rooms. I have a lot on my nightstand, dresser, and bed. I even have some in my closet.
  5. I love to write and come up with my own stories. I have all the characters lives planned out and the plot too!

Those are some things people didn’t know about me. Comment and tell me about things people didn’t know about you!

One Response to “Student Blogging Challenge Week 9”

  1. Traci Fadler says:

    Hi Meredith,

    I love that you love to read and write!

    You have all your characters lives planned out? That is amazing; it sounds like you are on your way to writing a book someday.
    Do you think you will publish a book? That has always been a goal of mine.

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